Fiestas in Izu
21 Kms. Villava from October 5 to October 13
Our Lady of the Rosary 2024 -
52 Kms. Itsasondo (Gipuzkoa)on October 7 approx.
Our Lady of the Rosary -
66 Kms. Carcastillo on October 7 approx.
Our Lady of the Rosary -
14 Kms. Echevacoiz on October 12 approx.
Neighbourhood Fiesta -
24 Kms. Lecumberri on October 12 approx.
Fiesta of Lekunberri -
45 Kms. Alsasua on October 12 approx.
Alsasua Fair -
49 Kms. Tolosa (Gipuzkoa)on October 12 approx.
Fiesta of Berazubi -
61 Kms. Artia (Gipuzkoa)on October 12 approx.
Fiesta of Artia -
19 Kms. Soto Lezkairu on October 14 approx.
Fiestas of Soto Lezkairu -
37 Kms. Tafalla on October 25 approx.
October Fair