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New Year's Eve in Zaragoza 2024

on December 31.

Upcoming events

  • Wednesday, December 31
    • 10:00 Magicus Zaragoza.
      A unique experience for the whole family. Workshops, games, magic, dances, and surprises! Would you like to join the Gnomus of the Park Tribes on a fantastic and magical adventure to discover the five kingdoms of nature? Suitable for people with reduced mobility. Reservations at: Sessions: 10, 12, 17, and 19 h.
    • 10:00 The Three Wise Men Visit Puerto Venecia.
      From 10:00 h to 14:00 h.
    • 11:00 Wish box for the next year.
      Tachán Teatro in the Christmas Exhibition. Until 14:00 h.
    • 11:00 Gourmet Craft Market.
      Puente Cantaurotes at the Parque Grande José Antonio Labordeta. Until 15:00 h.
    • 11:00 "7 Leguas y un Cuento", Cristina Verbena and Leticia Solanas (Acting).
      Comercios Av. Pablo Gargallo. From 11:00 h to 13:00 h.
    • 11:00 The Visit of the Royal Pages.
      Comercios Av. Madrid. From 11:00 h to 13:00 h.
    • 11:00 Winter Light Workshop.
      CaixaForum. From 4 years old. Free. From 11:00 h to 14:00 h and from 16:00 h to 20:00 h.
    • 12:00 WhiteBottom, Ramiro Vergaz.
      Plz. El Cantor de Jazz.
    • 12:00 "Lady Beatriz de las tuercas flojas".
      Teatro del Mercado. From 14 years old.
    • 12:00 "Pinocchio".
      Teatro Arbolé.
    ... more
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