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Traditional activities, Passacaglia and Folklore performances. Sunday, December 15 - 12:30 in Madrid

Date Sunday, December 15
Time 12:30
Event Marimorena 2024. Zambombada of Madrid. Asociación Cultural Arrabel and others.
Route: Plaza de la Villa - C/ Mayor - C/ Santiago - Plaza Ramales - Plaza Oriente.
Participants: Algazara (Candeleda, Ávila), Arrabel (Madrid), Asociación Charra in Madrid, La Dulzaina de Aluche School, Shepherds of Casavieja (Ávila), Raíces de Cenicientos (Madrid), Ronda Los Pilaretes (Arenas de San Pedro, Ávila), Zambomberos, Coros y Danzas of Colmenar de Oreja (Madrid)
Town Madrid.
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