February Fiesta 2025 - Arevalo
from February 1 to February 9.
Upcoming events
- Saturday, February 8
- 12:00 On the route of the encierro (Calle de los Descalzos, from the La Moraña school) 3rd Toro de Cajón in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows. Then, capea in the Plaza de Toros (2 bulls from cajón and 2 cows)
- 13:30 Approx. From the Plaza de Toros, v pasabares de Las Angustias. Organized by the charanga El Meneito and the participating bars.
- 18:15 In the Plaza del Arrabal, performance by the group Abandolaos Flamenco.
- 20:00 In the Church of Santo Domingo, Mass for the deceased. After that, traditional luminarias and hot chocolate. In collaboration with the Association "El Arrabal"
- 20:45 In the Plaza del Arrabal, the party continues in the Black Box mini mobile stage with: DJ Didi, David Opris & David Ec.
- Sunday, February 9
- 11:00 In the Church of Santo Domingo, solemn mass in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows, sung by Coral La Moraña. After that, a Procession accompanied by the Municipal Music Band and, at the end, Salve Popular. Then, the auction of typical products and offerings in honor of Our Lady will begin.
- 17:00 In the Plaza del Arrabal, performance by the musical group: The 8 y 1/2 Band.
- 22:00 In the explanada de la Caminanta, pyrotechnic show with Fireworks.
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